PraiseFit Education
Do you want to know what the biblical foundations of praise dance are? Do you want to be an effective praise dancer? Do you want to be part of a network of praise dancers and praise fitness enthusiasts, or progress from being a dancer to a Praise Dance Coach or PraiseFit Coach? You are at the right place!
Please note that because this course is subsidzed you can only have access to the course for a month.
Other courses on offer:
- Interpretive Dance Foundation:
- Dance & Fitness Basics:
- Choreography Basics:
- GoDyna-Fit Foundation:
Featured Courses
Praise Club Influencers (PCI)
The Praise Club is for Christians worldwide who want to adopt Praise dance and fitness as a lifestyle. It is a network of, dancers, dance groups, exercise enthusiasts, coaches, and musicians of all ages. We intentionally practice the principles of praise as a lifestyle, incorporated in our dance, fitness, and music. We are commissioned to Go into the world and be a standard of Praise, influencing those around us to follow in our footsteps, as we proclaim the praises of Yah to whom all worship and praise belongs. We aim to provide an alternative to the unwholesome dances and music in our world, which negatively impacts our children. We desire to see every home lifting a standard of praise, families praising together, children, the youth, and young adults forming dance groups, ladies and men forming Praise dance clubs and dancing together in homes, communities, schools, church clubs, at work – internationally.
Our values
P - people
R - responsibility
A - accountability
I - influence
S - service
E - expressiveness
Our Platforms:
Facebook PCI Puclic Community:
For more information contact Admin | +971 58804 2641
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Join us, choose to be an influencer, lets impact the world together!